Hydrogen Sulfide: * Resulting from the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter, hydrogen sulfide is present in many water supplies. * Sewage and industrial wastes are other sources of sulfide pollution. Highly toxic, this compound has a characteristic rotten egg odor, which can be detected long before harmful concentrations are reached. * In the HS-C kit, sulfide discolors a detection paper. Results are obtained by comparison of the color to a printed chart.
Levels of 0.0, 0.3, 0.5,1.0, 2.0 mg/l ( ppm ). Test Procedure ( directions come with product ).
1 ) Fill vial to the top line with water.
2 ) Dip one Low Range Hydrogen Sulfide Test Strip into the sample for 20 seconds with a gentle, steady up and down motion.
3 ) Remove and discard the strip.
4) With the color chart on a flat surface, place the sample vial on the white circles.
5 ) Viewing from the top, slide the vial from one white circle to the next until the best color match is found.
6 ) This product contains a very small amount of a lead acetate, please be sure to flush the waste water down a drain.
*** For higher levels of Hydrogen Sulfide ( above 2 ppm ), you'll need to use the
5 ppm test kit ( TESTHSC2537800 )