Common Water Problems
Hardness in your water. Hardness is dissolved rock and minerals like calcium andmagnesium. Water hardness causes scale build-up in your pipes,washing machine, automatic dishwasher and hot water heater. Usinghard water in your home can cost you up to 26% more in electricalbills, and up to 80% more in soaps and cleansing products. Not tomention the costly replacement of plumbing, water usingappliances (ice makers), dishes and clothing. Try to bath orshower in hard water and it can leave your skin feeling dry anditchy, and your hair feeling dry and like straw.> Iron and Rust in your water. Iron and rust in your water is picked up from undergroundsources as rain water fitters down through the ground on its wayto our aquifers. Iron and rust makes your water taste and smellmetallic. It will stain your toilets rusty red, etch your china,corrode your washing machine and plug your pipes. it can ruinyour hot water heater in less than a year, and will stain rustyred. Try and take a bath or shower and your skin feels dirty evenafter you have used tons of soap. Tannic Acid in your water. Tannic adds stain and discolor your water and cause it tolook yellow and even green in some cases. Tannic acids are causedby decaying organic matter on the grounds surface that is leachedinto the ground aquifers via rain and runoff. Tannic acid in yourwater can stain clothing, appliances, and build up in yourplumbing system over a short period of time. Sulfur (Hydrogen Sulfide) in your water. Hydrogen sulfide is a gas that causes an obnoxious rotten eggodor in your water. Hydrogen sulfide is caused by rotting anddecaying organic matter in the underground aquifer. Hydrogensulfide will ruin your silverware, plug your appliances, andgenerally stink up your whole house. Chlorine in your water. If your water comes from a public water supply, it probablyhas chlorine in it. The water utilities add chlorine to the waterfor disinfection purposes. Chlorine in your water can cause aswimming pool odor, and can be less than desirable to bath in,cook with, or drink. It is well documented that when you addchlorine to water containing organic matter (tannic add) it canform carcinogenic chemicals like Trihalomethanes. Some expertsnow believe that even the inhalation of these vapors may not be healthy. Public water supplies from surface water plants ( lakes, reservoirs ) can also contain deadly Cryptosporidium . Chlorine can also destroy the rubber components in a water softener ( and your plumbing ) Sodium Chloride (Salt) in your water. Sodium chloride (salt) occurs naturally in our ground waterand some water systems even add more. Salt is an essentialelement of life but most experts agree that we probably get morethan enough in our diet and do not need more in our drinking andcooking water. if your on a salt free or salt restricted diet,you should not have any additional salt in your water. Contamination in your water. Contamination can be caused by many things. Some of the morecommon causes are improperly functioning septic tanks, leakingunderground storage tanks, the use of fertilizers, the use of pesticides, animal waste, bacteria, virus, improperly disposedchemicals, organic and inorganic chemicals. The United StatesEnvironmental Protection Agency has established a list of bothPrimary and Secondary Drinking Water Standards and the WQA has alist of recognized treatment methods for meeting those standards. |