Injector Nozzle and Throat for Residential and Small Commercial Fleck Valves.
Commonly used in Fleck 3600,5600,2500,2510, and other 1600 / 1650 injector brine systems.
#0, Red, used on 6" and 7" diameter tanks
# 1, White, used on 8" , 9" and 10" tanks
# 2, Blue, used on 12" and 13" tanks
# 2, Gray, used on Iron Filters drawing Potassium Permanganate # 3, Gray, used on Iron Filters drawing Potassium Permanganate # 3, Yellow, used on 14" and 16" tanks.
# 4, Green, used on special applications only.
U = undrilled for non-draw applications only ( 10913-U,
Nozzle only = BLACK )
See Video about Injector Assembly
# 2 Gray ( Grey ) PVC is commonly used in residential sized ( tanks 8" - 12" ) systems that use Potassium Permanganate ( or in some cases liquid chlorine / bleach ) as the "Regenerant" that is drawn into the Valve Head.
These are either Iron Filters using Greensand, or Carbon filters that "regenerate" with the chlorine / bleach solution.
And these PVC versions can last / hold up 3 - 4 times longer than the standard plastic Nozzle & Throats used in water softener ( Brine / salt water ) applications.
# 3 Gray PVC is only used for larger tank diameters of 13 - 16 inches, and that would be a light commercial application.
Cross References = ( 10027XB and 10028X ) - many similar valves sold under Brands such as MacClean, CUNO, and Aqua Pure,
That are really their versions of Fleck 5600 or 2500 models.