Lower Seals and Spacers Kit for Fleck 9000, or 9100 Valve.
11 Seals ( 13242 )
8 Spacers ( 14241
1 Spacer ( 16595 ) It is recommended to replace both the Top ( 60125 )
and Bottom ( 60421 ) Seal and Spacer Kits at the same time.
If the Pistons show wear on the teflon coating,
or are leaking out the front,
they both ( 60400, 60401 ) should be replaced.
images/9000cv.jpg That is all there is to go by.. except for paying attention and laying them out as you remove the lower section.
Helpful Hints:The valve has 12 "normal" spacers.
4 used in the top and the other 8 in the bottom.
The valve has 16 seals.
5 used in the top and the other 11 used in the bottom.
Lower Seal Kit, 60421, includes ( 2 ) packets that contain 5 seals and 4 spacers ( 10 and 8 total ),
And the # 26, black, solid spacer, and the 11th Seal separately
Kit does not include the "white" end stub plug, just before the metal end plate.. that is to be "re-used".
The # 26, black, solid spacer is to be installed with a Seal on either side of it.
and actually ( 2 ) Seals installed towards the front of the valve.
The seal between the # 26, black, solid spacer, is not clearly shown "behind" it ( or between it and the next require Spacer ) in the manual diagram, but it's where a Seal it required.Again, the lower piston area will use:
11 Seals
8 spacers
1 solid black ( # 26 ) spacer
And not included with Kit
1 solid white ( # 43 - 14928 ) end plug stud ( re-use original )
( NOTE - newer units this is not a separate part, but is molded into the End Plate ).NOTE: If you have Brine Suction Failure on just ONE TANK, this indicates a problem with the Lower Seals.
More on this
= Brine Failure on ONE Tank Only