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  4. 5000 Rainsoft Parts

Above === Older Brass Valve Body ( pre 2001 ) - all parts OBSOLETE

Rainsoft timer motors in older models say Intermatic on them. And that is the only part we can provide for the older models.
( NOT the Drive Motor on the back ) ***Note: Only 125V version is left, the 24V version is no longer available

Rainsoft Valve

Newer models ( Like EC4 and others ) have many parts in common with the Fleck 5000 and Fleck ProFlo valves.
* Note The Rainsoft Timer Assemblies and Electronic Control Boards are proprietary and we can not provide those ( just valve body parts that are common to Fleck valves ).
And these parts are listed below.
( since late 1998 ) === Newer Noryl Black Plastic Valve body (
used by Rainsoft, Rayne RXD 1000, CSI Signature Series, and few others with their proprietary "power heads" ).

This newer valve body is based on the Fleck 5000 / ProFloSE ( but again, control board is proprietary ).
View / Download Manual ( for parts reference ) ProFloSE Downflow Service Manual

YouTube Video for working on the ProFlo version of the Fleck 5000 valve,

In many cases, you can save money by replacing the Entire Control Head,

How To Replace Rainsoft Valve with "non-proprietary" Valve

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