98F-1, 1030846, 1000376, and 420A56, are all part numbers for this 115 V, 60 Hz, 1 RPM CW Timer motor used in 440 Timer assemblies.
The newer motors ( that we sell ) made to "ratchet" if they try to run in reverse, to prevent damage to the output connector.
This is the most common timer motor used by Autotrol since 1970.
In the 120 volt 440 and later years, the 120 volt 440i HV timer assembly.
Autotrol / Osmonics / GE / Pentair Water Treatment, has used many different manufacturers of their motors over the years.
Norm Pacific is the current manufacturer of the AP98F1 (1000376) that is currently being used for 440 Timers and the only one that we stock. This is the ONLY replacement motor currently available from the manufacturer. Depending on how old your system is, there could be a different label but all specifications will match.
Since the motor cost so much, we recommend a complete timer assembly replacement with the new 460TC for just a little bit more money.
Complete 460TC ( timer clock ... NOT metered ) with 12 volt transformer for use with 120 volt 60 hz installations
Uses Electronic 7 Day programmed timer ( will regenerate on the DAYS you SET )
The 460TC replaces all previous 440 Timer Assemblies.
Fits on older Autotrol 150,155,160, 163, 168 Valves, and newer 255, 263, and 268 Valves that have 440, 440i, or 460i timers now.
INSTALLATION - Since the power source is AC ( alternating current ) it does not matter which power wire is connected to either plug cord wire.
There is no "polarity" with AC motors.
Also NOTE: This motor
runs very "HOT" to the touch ( Normally over 100 degrees )