Hardness Drops - Pentair R151276 - Total Water Hardness Kit
An accurate way to measure hardness in GPG ( grains per gallon ).
Includes: Necessary chemicals, test bottle, and instructions.
Can be used to test hardness level as high as 100 grains per gallon ( gpg ).
This kit contains the necessary materials to conduct multiple tests of the hardness ( in grains per gallon ) of the water.
The "drop count" method is the more account than using test strips.
And while this low cost test kit is marketed for swimming pool testing, it works for water softener applications.
And we have included our own short and simple instructions with each kit.
Each drop added equals 1 Grain ( or 17.1 ppm ), to provide a clear indication of your water hardness.
Use these drops to determine the GRAINS amount to use when Setting your Water Softener.
0 drops or just 1 drop is expected for water that is already Soft.
Directions are simple:
Use the vial to take "sample" of the water.
Fill to the LINE on the vial.
2 drops Solution # 6 ( colored liquid ), Swirl / mix,
Slow add one drop at a time of Solution # 7 clear solution,
and COUNT the drops added until the color changes.
When the sample color changes from PINK to a pure BLUE ( usually one drop more than first noticing color turning blue ) - Stop.
The resulting number of drops = Grains of Hardness ( GPG )
* Limit ( 2 ) per order
Hardness Drops,Pentair,rainbow,R151276,test,RAI-45-827,PENR151276