Resin Cleaner, Citric Acid in crystalized form, 4 pound container, now labeled as "Pro Ban T for Alkaline water".
Add 4 - 8 ounces with each 40 - 80 lbs. of salt.
Cleans and Restores Your Softener RESIN.
Great for water with Tannins ( color in water ) and / or high in IRON ( most Well Water ).
Does not "restore" resins damaged by Chlorinated "city" water.
Pro-Citric Acid removes iron and other contaminents from fouled water softeners, and increases the capacity and efficiency of the units. Pro-Citric Acid should be used as preventative maintenance on all water softeners in areas with moderate iron content. This safe, environmentally-friendly cleaning agent removes hard water spots, lime, rust and scale deposits on general household items.
First Time Use in Water Softeners: Dissolve 2 cups of the powder in 1 qt. of warm water and pour into the brine well. (For softeners with no brine well, pour into the salt storage tank when salt level is low.) Manually regenerate the softener.
Preventative Maintenance: Add 1/2 cup to every 40 lbs. of salt added to brine tank, and layer it to ensure a continuous dose of Pro-Citric Acid during each regeneration.
Dishwashers and General Purpose Cleaning: Follow directions on the back of the package.
Features and Benefits
* Pro-Citric Acid has the advantage of being non-toxic, non-corrosive, biodegradable, and is used to neutralize bases (pH adjustment).
* Contains Citric Acid which is a safe and environmentally friendly cleaning agent that has very little odor and no obnoxious fumes.
* Pro-Citric Acid can be used safely on virtually all surfaces. It will not harm fiberglass, porcelain, glass, stainless steel or chrome.
* Removes hard water deposits from tubs, sinks, showers, faucets, ceramic tile, dishes, glassware, plasticware, ice machines, ultra violet filters, humidifiers and distillers.
Technical Information
Odorless, free-flowing, white, crystalline powder.