Recommended High Capacity Replacement Resins for All Water Softeners.Price is per One Cu. Ft. ( 28.32 liters )
You MUST select quantity desired, and then ADD to CART.
Common Residential Tank / Resin amount:
7" x 44" tanks = 1/2 cu.ft.
8" x 44" tanks = 3/4 cu.ft.
9" x 48" tanks = 1.0 cu.ft.
10" x 54" tanks = 1.5 cu.ft.
12" x 48" or 52" = 2.0 cu.ft
NO GRAVELHigh Capacity Cation Water Softening Resins Equivalent to: 8% Cross Linked Gel Cation Sodium Form Dow HCR-S; Rohm & Haas IR-120; Sybron C-249 ( and Sears pn 0502272, 505644, 501744. GE
WS01X10002 ), C-267; Purolite C-100; Tulsion Thermax T 42 ; Resintech CG8; IWT C-211 ; Cullex
For directions and other tanks sizes , see Resin Replacement GuideNOTE: You will want a good funnel to help pour the resin into your tank.
Our high capacity 8% cross linked mesh cation exchange resin provides softening capabilities of both household and commercial water softeners.
A standard cross-linked styrene divinylbenzene strong acid cation resin in bead form.
Specially developed to provide excellent stability.
Typical Properties:
Total exchange capacity -- 2.0 meq/g min
Ionic form, supplied -- Na
Water retention -- 43-48%
Screen size, U.S. Standard -- 16-40 mesh
Bulk density -- 0.78 - 0.88 g/ml
Suggested Operating Conditions:
pH range -- 0 - 14
Operating temperature, Na -- 120°C max
Total Swelling (Na H) -- 8-10% max
Regenerant concentration -- NaCl: 8-10%
-- HCl : 4 - 5%
Flow rate of regenerant -- 4-6 m/hr
Regenerant contact time -- 30-60 minutes
Rinse flow rate -- 10-20 m/hr
Operating flow rate -- 10-45 m/hr